Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm gonna do this

I have thought about creating a blog for a while. It's just that I'm not that creative. I couldn't come up with a cute title. I'm always afraid that my words sound stupid. And frankly, my thoughts are so fleeting that I'm afraid I won't have anything to write by the time I sit down at the computer. Anyhow, I feel like this is one way that I will overcome my terrible skills at keeping any kind of journal and recording all the precious and crazy stories of my life right now.
So, I needed a title and a direction to go with this thing and it hit me at 3am. The sweet old song, "Count your blessings" was going through my head. "Name them one by one". The Lord gives me one blessing after another every day. So many times I do not stop to consider them. I am so privileged to have 5 blessings walking through my house each day and one more blessing bouncing around in my belly even now. I want to take the time to remember each of these beautiful people God has placed in my home as well as taking time to make note of all the other little blessings that pass before my eyes moment by moment.
So, here it is. I know it won't be perfect. And if no one reads it, that's fine. This really is just for me anyway. I want to be more reflective. With my terrible memory, I really need to write down and record in pictures all of these moments, or they will be gone forever from me.
So, with this blog, I will attempt to regularly count my blessings and name them one by one.


  1. I think this will be great to be able to read your comments about how God has and is blessing your family.

  2. as I sit here and think about my blessings one by one, my sister comes to mind. As I try to type through tear stained eyes, I attempt to count how many times I cried with my sister by my side; one. It was the time that the good Lord said Benjamin is coming home with me now. I never got to see him but will always love him still and know soon one day I will get to meet him and love him still. He is one I will always miss. One time I cried with my sister by my side.

  3. I'll be glad to be able to keep up with you all this way! :)

  4. How humbling. You're five blessings are so very thankful that God has graciously placed you in our lives!

  5. I love it Monica! I started a blog myself a couple of months ago. It is great to just get words out sometimes and writing is such a great release. I look forward to what you will say!

  6. YEAH!!! This is a great way to keep in touch with one another! :) I hope you continue!

    Sorry I missed you last week. We were at my mom and dads for the weekend...I hated I missed Emily's shower and I hated I missed you. So sweet of you to call and check on us :) I am so excited for you and your new baby girl! Can't wait for her to get here!!
